The scarf:

A closeup of the fringe:

And a closeup of the pattern:

I also have a new rule - every time I finish a project I have to go back and finish an older project that is still waiting to be put into service. I had a few fixes to make on the bathroom carpet, so I did those and washed the carpet. It is now in its new home in Dolly's bathroom:

What's the next project? I'm not sure. I have an older table loom that was given to me and it needs to be cleaned up before it can be used. It came with a 15 dent reed and I bought a 12 dent reed but need to cut it down from 22 inches to 20-1/2 inches. I also ordered 200 extra heddles that need to be put on. I think I'll at least start cleaning up this loom before I start a new project.
Projects that I want to do are:
- A few hot pads for a friend
- A double weave project. I've never done double weave and I was inspired by a wall hanging I saw at the Renwick museum in D.C.
- Something with linen or cotolin.